Wohoo…. I’m feeling pretty good today. Dru sent me a link to a great comedian right when I needed it. There is nothing like laughing to take the pressure off. http://www.ernestcline.com/spokenword/
i was at the coffee shop the other day and saw this beautiful girl walk in, grab her coffee and sit down outside. I wanted to turn and stare at her but I didn't (staring is a bit creepy). I was inside waiting for my coffee and facing the cake display. Reflected in the glass was a miniture version of her head hovering above a cheese cake. She looked like the madonna of the cheese cake. It was a perfect little image of a cheese cake goddess, smiling and talking. It kept me entertained while I waited for my coffee.
Currently I’m dealing with salesmen a lot. They are slimy bunch, apologies to sales people who don’t put the screws in (some of you are out there). The problem I’m having with them at the moment is I say one thing and a few hours later they ring back and tell me that I said something else. Any “we could possibly do this” becomes “you said you can do this by this date”. I would experience delight in telling them “go fuck yourself, you stupid monkey” but alas this is not the business way. I’d love to give more details but it could result in problems of the legal kind.
Large sums of money and pressure from monkeys makes me a grumpy boy. It’s a long way from keeping computers running. Two weeks to go and I can slink back to my fortress of solitude and start to focus on more interesting blog entries. For the last few weeks I’ve been flat out at work and exhausted when I get home. I can’t even muster pretend creativity! I can see how working in this sort of environment all the time would warp your perspective.
The good news is I’ve got an Arabian nights party to go to on the weekend. I’ve got my sword, balloon pants and a swanky little blue vest to wear. I'm going to be a dancing monkey and i love it.