Monday, December 12, 2005

skirting around the issue

I've turned down a few free drinks and eats over the last week. This is not like me at all. I have a reputation for being able to find a free beer tab (and making the most of it). It's not that I'm lacking Chrissy cheer (although that has never been my strong point) it's more that drinking heaps around work colleagues is not good for me. It's only a matter of time before I cross the line and push my luck too far.

I keep wanting to squeeze all the life out of life. The trouble is most of the impulses I have are counter productive to long term happiness. At the moment I want to sell everything and go over seas and explore the world. Instead I'll be doing the home renovations. What I really need is to make a save point in my life so I can make a decision, see where it goes then reload at an earlier point if it isn't what I want to do. The older I get the more chicken I get. I'm way more confident in general but I tend to play it really safe. At some point I'm just going to bust out in a big way. It could be this holidays (although I tend to chill out a lot more when I'm not at work). It's building tho. Not sure when or where but I'm just going to go crazy on something. The holidays will probably be the time.

We got to go for a walk through a rain forest on the weekend. Nature is amazing. I think most of people's disatisfaction with life stems from being diconeccted from nature. Most of the hippies I know are really happy, they always make time to get back to nature. The more unhappy people are the less they seem to vibe on nature (or they do vibe on nature but just nver get to see it). After a few hours int he forest I lost the edge that I had be carrying for the last week. It just went away.

My year long struggle with Victory blinds (useless barstards) is over. We have our blinds and got $420 off the price. It caused us all manner of stress and suddenly the stress has gone. Rock and roll!


macaroon said...

Oh sweet Jesus.

Good deal on the blinds, but I don't think it qualifies as "busting out in a big way"...but if you do, please--please!!--please take some of them hippies with you...nature's awesome and all, but those drum circles and wheat germ Just. No.

Uncle Doo said...

busting out in a big way for me is booze, drugs and sex. I never got the trifecta in one sitting unfortunatly. There is something about getting messy that floats my boat.