Monday, December 05, 2005

Great day

My motivation levels are soaring. At the moment I'm in a stream of energy and the universe looks great. Everything is as it should be and I'm excited to be here. I've had some great talks about writing over the weekend with some friends (although there was little writing done). I think talking about it is more fun than actually doing it (except for those moments where you turn out something that is really good).

This river of good feelling is like a tap that gets switched off and on. Give me a day or two and the world will look yellow and dry. The people will be mean and I will be bored. After I get bored i will start to drink, then I'll feel bad about myself, then I'll decide to straighten out, then the Universe will become all bright and sparkely.

I've started to count down to holidays. Two weeks and I will be off for three weeks. Already I can feel the excitement and joy that comes from having heaps of your own time to do with as you please. More diving, more hammock time and just more of me space.

My wise words for today;
Follow your biological necessities, don't think about things too much and it's all OK. Too much thought is the enemy of happiness, that's why meditation is so good for you. It's nice driving around in a body that has a default setting for happiness, it sucks we live in a society that seems to try and do everything it can to make you unhappy.

Naked people make me happy!

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