Tuesday, July 04, 2006

doodling with words

Did I mention that I have given up smoking again…Everyone who knows me is probably really sick of me quitting all the time then going back to smoking. This time is a little different though. Around here you can no longer smoke in pubs, clubs or coffee shops. The other change is my brand is no longer available (they changed the flavour).

As I mentioned I had a big day on Saturday and the smoking content was right up there. It is Tuesday today, day three of no smoking. I’m thinking of getting out a jar and putting $10 a day in it just to see the money savings grow. It is pretty cool to think that in 7 days there will be $100 in the jar. Already I have had huge spikes of good feelings and energy, to date it hasn’t pushed me over the edge. In the past the surges of energy I experience make me get all jittery and on edge and I slide back into smoking.

The Zombie thing was one of the bits that I turned out yesterday….. it’s like doodling except with words instead of pictures. I’ve started getting into the habit of opening up a word document and just typing into it during the day. It is a place to collect any old shit pops into my head.

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