Friday, October 28, 2005

Now why didn't they have instructions like this when I was a boy



takinchances said...

I don't want you to be dishearted about your blog. I actually have saved as a favorite on my computer. It's odd because a lot of the stuff you say in your blog (i.e. - thinking you are wasting your life away in your office and wanting to write and be adventurous) are all things I think. We are literally a world apart and probably if we met would think we had little in common, but that's not the case.

Keep blogging and trying to run outside in the sunshine naked. : )

Dru said...

Yeah, we had to learn the hard way. I still laugh at the theories me and my cousins came up with, regarding what equipment girls had.

Uncle Doo said...

Thanks for the book mark chances! The trouble is I blog while I'm at work, which isn't conducive to positve upbeat feelings. it also keeps the entries really short.

Dru - I know what you mean! they should teach it in schools (if they used these pictures there would be alot of confused kids out there)... it blows me away that movies can have as much violence as they want yet no sex....