Monday, June 26, 2006

People are strange

I’m having trouble deciding what to put in this particular blog entry. On one hand I’m tempted to talk about my friend who has depression. She has been losing the plot a bit of late and I’m finding it difficult to know how to react. It’s easy enough to say I understand and that everything is going to turn out OK, but on the other hand I don’t feel right when she starts to blow the smallest thing out of all proportion and I moderate my reaction on the grounds she is depressed. There are times when I feel like I’m Dr Phil. Really she needs to try and relax a bit and put things into perspective. It’s easy for me to say, pretty much impossible for her to do. The trouble is I end up drawn into the over analysis when I talk to her about things that are happening in her life. Then I feel as though I’m encouraging the convoluted trains of thought she finds herself trapped in.

The other topic I’m tempted to discuss is the nature of relationships and how men can survive them. I really, really need to learn to keep my mouth shut. I have this tendency to try and be open and honest. When she tells me, ”I really want to know, it’s ok you can tell me”, I should take that as a sign to keep my mouth shut. At the moment I’m in the doghouse with my lady love for talking about the ways she sometimes pisses me off. I also failed in the critical task of supporting her 100% (even though I think she is 90% right I mentioned the other 10%). I guess it is just my time to be in the dog house. My goal is to not let it stress me. I’ve just got to remember to relax and roll with the punches. Sometimes I feel like a character in a Haruki Murikami novel. Things just seem to happen and all I can really do is watch it all unfold.

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