Sunday, October 16, 2005

just write

Just sit down and write.

This blog needs to get back to it's original purpose which is to get me started on the writing projects that really mean somehting to me. Doesn't matter what I write just start.

Here goes.........

It's amazing how much time changes people. By people I mean me. I was thinking about my younger days. I had no real plans for my life, not much money and few posessions. I never really thought about where I was headed or what was going to happen in the future. Now I'm older, I have a house, wife and a job and I think more about my future and my money. Why? I don't know.

I have an anxiety about the future that is new to me. At the moment I'm moving into new terrirtoty with my job and it doesn't sit well with me. The option to quit and move onto other work has been removed from my menu. Not because I would be unemployable but because of the effort to rebuild to where I am today. The fact that there are fixed commitments doesn't help much either. I've gotten comfortable with the life I have, I desire it. This is the trap for me. I am use to having things the way I like it and the idea of losing that makes me uneasy. I'm not in danger of losing anything. There isn't even a hint that this imaginged future would come to pass. I'm not happy with how work is turning out for me at the moment. I think I need to sit still in the same job doing the same thing for a while. I need to take a breather and see how things sit with the world. As always I'm still trying to maximise my happiness.

1 comment:

Dru said...

Good luck.

You might find this funny, listen to Dance, Monkeys, Dance.