Friday, August 12, 2005

The counter is gone.... that feels so much better

I had one of those little counter things on my blog. Each day I would load up the page to see how many people had drifted through my site.

Some days there was no change :-(
other days there was a little change :-)
(there were no days with huge changes)

Back at the start I outlined why I was blogging and getting large numbers of people wasn't part of that plan.

You see I had started to become a number junky. How many people stopped in became more important than what I was putting down.

The trouble with counters is people could be hitting the next button and drift through lots of blogs before they hit one they want to read. I've been past 10 and only read one of them today. If someone does like my blog and then RSSs me, it doesn't show in the hit counter anyway.

I'm off that emotional roller coaster now.... I took out the code and my page loads faster now. My blog is there, it's out there and that is all that matters..... except the comments I like the comments.
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1 comment:

Dru said...

I read via rss at least 5x a week!