Monday, August 15, 2005

Two steps forward then one step back.

What topic for toaday? It's all a bit much really... I blame the cat. Lack of sleep really puts me at a disadvantage. Last night I was grumpy and jumped to negative conclusions, even though I knew that there was no need for it. The grumpiness was a result of our cat making lots of noise all night while chasing after a mouse. There is no way I could remain sane if I ever became a parent.... I need my sleep

It got me thinking about people who are trapped in negative thoughts as part of their 'normal' thinking. It's not really something that you can think or talk your way out of. Being stuck in a grey world all the tiem would be depressing.

How much of our little world is trapped by routine thoughts. How many doors are closed through no other reason but habit? For me it is a constant battle of fantasy vs reality.... there are people on both sides of the fence shouting that I can have it all (or that I have nothing). Is the glass half full or half empty?

I make a call as I see it when I see it, for me there is no other way. This may lead to bad decisions at times but at least the option is there for random events to occur.

At least there is no time limit on all the things I'm trying to do with my life. Yes we die, but there is nothing that I **need** to do before I die. I have now to play with and so that is what I intend to do, play as much as I can. in short I'll just chill the F*** out.

If anyone out there thinks they know a way of having your cake and eating it too let me know.

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